Imagination leads to Possbile

Imagination is the first step towards possibilities - from Henry Petroski's "Small Things Considered"

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

dvd player for playing rated movie parts

I would like to see DVD players which would give me buttons to play a DVD for PG, PG-13, R or M versions. If the parts of the movie (e.g. each frame) is rated different (e.g. G, PG etc), then I can buy/rent one DVD and pop into my DVD player, push PG button and it plays only PG rated parts of the movie and skips anything nasty(!) than that e.g. PG-13, R and M. If the movie industry and DVD player manufacturers did this, we would surely see lots of these DVD players sell.

The DVD player will be password protected.


At 6:52 AM, Blogger Lokesh Kumar said...

I know there is a service called ClearPlay. However, I do not want to pay any monthly etc. I think Hollywood and RCA should partner to come up with a standard for rating encoding in the movie frame itself and that should be read by DVD player.


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